3 Bureau 3 Score Reports

The First step in getting the best rates for all things in your life is knowing your credit score. If your credit score is low you will be ripped off everywhere you go for; auto loans, car insurance, credit cards, personal loans, deposits. You need to know your credit scores to be credit smart.

We could offer other credit monitoring but most credit monitoring sites suck, they give you 1 report, 1 score, 2 scores, 2 reports, no scores and reports, quarterly updates or no updates, are more expensive with less benefits etc. Unlike other credit monitoring, Identity IQ provides 3 scores and 3 full reports monthly giving you the full picture. Pull your credit for a $1 dollar trial for 7 days, you also get identity theft protection.

Where Are You?

3 Bureau 3 Score Reports - Right Choice Advisor

If your scores are Under 600 you are being gouged on everything! Auto loans at 20% interest, only
predatory high interest pay day lenders will lend you money, higher car insurance rates and you cant
finance a home. Our research indicates, that your bad credit is costing you $300 to $400 a month!

If your scores are Under 640 you cannot finance a home, this number 640 is very important to your
financial sell being, it allows you to finance a home, refinance cars, lower insurance rates, get real loan
and credit options! You need to get your scores to 640 as soon as possible. It will improve your life
and open opportunities to you.

Under 700? Very important for current and future business owners. It’s very difficult to get credit
lines, and access to capital; you need to be between a 680 to 700, it will make life much easier for

Over 700? Congratulations you are part of the 700 club, you are getting the best rates on everything
keep it up!